A Note About Project Commitments, Commercial Partner Involvement & the FOLIO relationship
The budget numbers presented above are an approximation based on average salaries and overheads along with the best estimates available in this phase of the project. Index Data’s investment of effort to-date (including offsetting the costs of Knowledge Integration’s effort) represents approximately $200,000 in development and project management. Project Collaborators anticipate additional monetary contributions to the project not reflected in the chart above in the form of grant funds and partnerships for dedicated software developer time. Additional Index Data contributions are also expected during the MVP phase.
Index Data and Knowledge Integration (UK) participate in Project ReShare as fellow stakeholders and contributors alongside library and consortial partners. Index Data is well known as FOLIO’s key, initial developer. Though FOLIO is completely separate, the ReShare community intends to leverage some components of FOLIO’s core technology platform, giving project ReShare development a head start. ReShare’s re-use of FOLIO code creates a natural connection with Index Data as a FOLIO service provider, with ReShare viewed as a future complementary service offering. Though the ReShare community will benefit from synergies with FOLIO, the ReShare platform and community will function independently and will be ILS / LSP agnostic. Other vendors and service providers sharing the project’s vision are also invited to actively participate.
Since Project ReShare’s first meeting in Philadelphia, the Steering Committee expressed a desire to create provisional service arrangements with Index Data as the project’s earliest service provider investor, requesting Index Data serve as ReShare’s preferred service provider once ReShare becomes a production-ready platform that meets MVP requirements. Provisional service arrangements allow libraries and consortia to have confidence a commercial provider will be prepared to host and manage ReShare services. These relationships also position Index Data to recoup some of their initial investments during the initial years of operation.