We seek your partnership to raise an initial $300,000 to enable our first step towards ReShare Digital. These funds will drive forward essential software development efforts. With the University of Pittsburgh Libraries already committing $100,000 in matching funds, your contribution will have an even greater impact. Your funding will also guarantee that the community and platform remain vibrant and moving forward.
Thank you to those who have already contributed to ReShare Digital!
Thank you for considering an investment in Project ReShare’s latest initiative, ReShare Digital. We are on the cusp of transforming how libraries share digital resources, and we invite you to join us in this groundbreaking journey. Our initiative aims to empower libraries with ebook lending and resource sharing across libraries, where libraries may collaborate on their own terms, and ensure wider access to digital materials for communities everywhere.
Project ReShare’s priorities for software development are directed by Project ReShare members via a community prioritization process and through input provided through two committees: the ReShare Subject Matter Experts and Product Committee. In February-March 2024, the ReShare members voted from a list of six possible ReShare Digital initiatives to prioritize work on eBook lending and book chapter document delivery. This pledge drive aims to build out support for both of these functionalities over the coming 12-18 months, with later phases of ReShare Digital to be prioritized by the community upon their completion.
Pledge Drive Campaign Overview
Our fundraising campaign is divided into three crucial phases, all contingent on funding:
Phase 1:
ReShare Digital Jumpstart – Goal: $300,000
Objective: This phase focuses on community coordination, eBook lending requirements gathering, planning support and project management, and initial prototyping for ebook lending. By laying this foundation, we ensure that the subsequent phases are built on solid ground. This phase also provides the project with a 1 FTE, 12-month independent contractor role to support and steward the development of ReShare Digital across ReShare community activities, with extension possible dependent on the availability of funds.
Timeline: The time anticipated for completion of the work outlined in this phase is initially estimated at 4-6 months, beginning in Summer 2024.
Current Status: We have already secured $100,000 through a generous fund-matching campaign. We need only $200,000 to reach our kickstart phase goal.
Phase 2:
eBook Lending Protype & Pilot – Goal: $325,000
Objective: Building on Phase 1, this second phase will advance ReShare’s ebook lending efforts and will complete the build out a proof of concept, and a pilot that will introduce the ability to easily lend licensed eBooks (either whole eBooks if licenses allow, or in-part) for groups of libraries. This phase is critical for refining and testing our systems in real-world conditions.
Timeline: The time anticipated for completion of the work outlined in this phase is initially estimated at 4-6 months, planned to begin in late Fall 2024, dependent on the availability of funding and timing of the first phase.
Phase 3:
Book Chapter Delivery & INITIAL ReShare Digital Launch – Goal: $350,000
Objective: The final phase of this pledge drive will focus on launching the initial ReShare Digital suite, including tools for ebook lending and document delivery of book chapters, alongside ReShare’s returnable lending functionality. This phase will mark the full operationalization of our vision for the early stages of ReShare Digital, clearing the pathway for future phases and development efforts, especially article delivery.
Timeline: The time anticipated for completion of the work outlined in this phase is initially estimated at 6-9 months and is expected to partially overlap with the eBook lending phase, beginning in Spring or Summer 2025, depending on completion of first two phases.
The Need and Impact
In a world where digital resources are becoming increasingly vital, libraries must adapt to continue serving their communities effectively. ReShare Digital will empower libraries by providing robust, user-friendly tools for sharing ebooks and other digital content. This initiative will:
- Enhance access to a wide range of digital materials using a trusted platform.
- Support the evolving needs of library users.
- Foster a collaborative ecosystem among groups of libraries that wish to collaborate more effectively across a multitude of local systems.
Pledge Your Support
To make ReShare Digital a reality, we need your support. By contributing to our Phase 1 goal of $300,000, you will be laying the foundation for a transformative project that will benefit libraries and their patrons for years to come. Remember, every dollar you contribute now is doubled thanks to our $100,000 fund-matching campaign.
To sponsor, simply email info@projectreshare.org. And if you’re not already a member, we encourage you to join the ReShare community and start shaping the future of library resource sharing.
We invite all current and potential ReShare members to pledge your support by June 30, 2024. Your commitment will fuel our efforts to revolutionize library lending for years to come.
Join Us
Join us in this mission to transform library resource sharing. Your support will make a significant impact, ensuring that libraries can continue to provide essential digital resources to their communities. Together, we can build a future where knowledge is more accessible than ever.
Thank you for your consideration and support. Let’s make ReShare Digital a reality! If you would like to discuss further or need additional information, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to partnering with you in this exciting venture.